I recently became curious about the different tools that are available to do one specific thing in Rust: provide an implementation of the std::io::Write trait for an in-memory buffer.

This might be useful if you have serializable data that you want to store in a database, or if you want to add checksums or perform compression before storing or sending some data. It may also be useful for buffering ordinary network writes (though BufWriter might be easier).

How can this be done in Rust? What's the most efficient way of buffering serialized data?

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I use the name "cursor" for this kind of thing: an object that remembers the current write position in the buffer, so I don't have to do pointer math myself. That may not be the best name, but it's the one I'm going to use here.

Part 1: Cursor Choices §

Here are the things I found that can be used as cursors:

There's a crate called bytes from the Tokio authors, that gets used in a lot of places. Among other things, it provides the BytesMut type that has the following properties:

  • It has an internal refcount, so you can split one BytesMut into multiple non-overlapping BytesMut instances.
  • It can support the Write trait, allowing the buffer to grow as bytes are written into it.

The standard library has a type Cursor, which implements Write. It is has a generic parameter Cursor<T>, though the internal state of Cursor is private, so it's not possible to create a Cursor over your own buffer type. The sub-types that implement Write are:

  • Cursor<Vec<u8>>
  • Cursor<&mut Vec<u8>>
  • Cursor<&mut [u8]>
  • Cursor<Box<[u8]>>.

Those all look pretty similar— I'll discuss some of the differences in a moment.

The other option is really simple, and hides in plain sight: &mut [u8] can be used as a cursor type, and implements the Write trait. The current position is tracked by changing the reference itself, so if you want to write a function that doesn't consume the cursor, the code looks a little mysterious:

    fn write_some_data<W: Write>(w: &mut W) { todo!() }

    // My buffer
    let mut my_data = [0u8; 1024];
    // A cursor that implements Write.
    let mut my_cursor = &mut my_data[..];
    // Do some writing, but don't consume the cursor.
    write_some_data(&mut my_cursor);

All of the cursor types allow you to recover the internal buffer type afterwards using either an .into_inner() member function that consumes the cursor, or by the caller keeping ownership of the original buffer.

Part 2: Cursor Flavors §

Which of these should we choose? There are three qualities we might care about:

  • Refcounted
  • Growable
  • Seekable / Overwritable

The BytesMut trait is the only internally-refcounted option. This type is used in Tokio, so it may be the right choice if you want to use e.g. the Tokio AsyncReadExt trait.

BytesMut also has the other two qualities: growable (the buffer will expand when you write more data into it), and seekable+overwritable (you can seek back to an arbitrary point and write more data).

Of the Cursor flavors, only the Vec ones are growable. In fact, Cursor<&mut Vec<u8>> and Cursor<Vec<u8>> have identical behavior in every way, so they're pretty much equivalent in practice.

The other options, Cursor<&mut [u8]>, Cursor<Box<[u8]>>, and &mut [u8] all wrap a [u8] slice— these types are not growable.

The last one, &mut [u8], is the only option that is not growable or seekable (unless you manually change the reference between write operations).

The Write trait isn't very complicated; we can even create our own cursor type. Here's one that is growable but not seekable:

pub struct WriterVec(Vec<u8>);

impl WriterVec {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    pub fn with_capacity(n: usize) -> Self {

    pub fn into_inner(self) -> Vec<u8> {

impl Write for WriterVec {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        let len = buf.len();

    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

Part 3: Cursor Benchmarks §

Buffering data is something that we'd like to be as efficient as possible; in many cases we might even hope that the compiler can "see through" abstractions and optimize away the buffering entirely.

Because BytesMut has internal "magic": (refcounts and pointers and some unsafe logic), we might be concerned that this adds performance overhead. But that actually turns out not to be the case: BytesMut is significantly faster than Cursor.

In general, the performance seems to be:

  • Slowest: Cursors using Vec
  • Middle: Cursors that are growable
  • Fastest: Cursors using slices

I created a quick benchmark using Criterion to compare the various cursor types. Each test run creates a 32KB buffer, and uses serde with the bincode format to serialize a simple 16-byte data structure 2048 times.

Here is the raw data:

cursor typetime to serialize 32KB
Cursor<Vec<u8>>102 us
Cursor<&mut Vec<u8>>98 us
WriterVec66 us
BytesMut45 us
Cursor<&mut [u8]>37 us
Cursor<Box<[u8]>>37 us
&mut [u8]28 us

And here is a pretty plot generated by Criterion:

Criterion violin plot

This data was gathered on my laptop with no attempt to stabilize the CPU clock speed, so take it with a grain of salt: the numbers move around ~5% from one run to the next. I also made no attempt to remove allocator overhead from the benchmark. If you'd like to experiment with the benchmark yourself, the entire project is on GitHub here.

Please raise a GitHub issue if you find something wrong with my benchmark methodology. Micro-benchmarking can often show misleading results, so I'm very interested to learn if there's something I've done wrong.

Cheers! Good luck with your Rust projects.