Updated 10/2021 to use
nom 7.0
This is a demonstration of building a parser in Rust using the
crate. I recently built a parser for
the cddl-cat
crate using nom,
and I found it a surprisingly pleasant experience, much better than my past
experiences with other parser-generators in other languages.
Since I like Rust a lot, and I need an excuse to do more writing about Rust, I thought I'd do another demonstration project. I decided to choose a simple syntax, to keep this a short project. So I'm going to build a parser for JSON.

There are a million JSON parsers in the world already, so I don't expect this code to have much non-educational value. But, hey, you never know.
All of the source code and markdown source for this post is available on GitHub. If you see anything wrong, please let me know by raising an issue there.
Part 1. Introduction. §
A few details, before I write the first lines of code:
- I'm going to use RFC8259 as my authoritative reference for the JSON grammar.
- I'm not going to build a JSON serializer. My goal will only be to consume
JSON text and output a structured tree containing the data (a lot like
). - I'll be using
7.0. I'll try to keep this post updated when new major versions are released. - Some of the code I write will violate the usual
style. This isn't because I haterustfmt
; far from it! But as you'll see,nom
code can look a little weird, so it's sometimes more readable if we bend the styling rules a little bit. Do what you like in your own code. - All of my source code will be available on GitHub. If you have comments or suggestions, or see a bug or something wrong in this post, please open an issue there.
Let's start with a few words about nom
. It can take a little bit of time to
adjust to writing a parser with nom
, because it doesn't work by first
tokenizing the input and then parsing those tokens. Both of those steps can be
tackled at once.
Older versions of nom
used a lot of macros. Starting with nom 7.0
, the
macros are gone, and the only way to use nom is with the function combinators.
This is a nice change, because while nom
combinators can be tricky, the
function-based style is a lot friendlier to work with than the old macros.
A bit of advice for reading the
documentation, if you're following
along with this implementation:
- Start from the modules section of the documentation.
- We'll be starting with the character and number modules.
- We'll use the combinator, multi, sequence, and branch modules to tie things together. I'll try to link to the relevant documentation as we go.
Part 2. Our first bit of parser code. §
I've started a new library project (cargo init --lib json-parser-toy
), and
added the nom 7.0
dependency in Cargo.toml
. Let's add a very simple parser
function, just to verify that we can build and test our code. We'll try to
parse the strings "true" and "false". In other words, the grammar for our json
subset is:
value = "false" / "true"
Here's our first bit of code:
use nom::{branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, IResult};
fn json_bool(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
fn test_bool() {
assert_eq!(json_bool("false"), Ok(("", "false")));
assert_eq!(json_bool("true"), Ok(("", "true")));
I got the tag
function from nom::bytes
, though it's not specific to byte-arrays; it works
just fine with text strings as well. It's not a big deal; it's just a minor
quirk of the way nom
is organized.
We use alt
to express
"one of these choices". This is a common style in nom
, and we'll see it
again when we use other combinators from nom::sequence
There are a few other things that should be explained.
is an important
part of working with nom
. It's a specialized Result
, where an Ok
returns a tuple of two values. In this case, IResult<&str, &str>
returns two
string slices. The first is the "remainder": this is everything that wasn't
parsed. The second part is the output from a successful parse; in this case we
just return the string we matched. For example, I could add this to my test,
and it would work:
assert_eq!(json_bool("false more"), Ok((" more", "false")));
The json_bool
function consumed the false
part of the string, and left the
rest for somebody else to deal with.
When json_bool
returns an error, that doesn't necessarily mean that something
is wrong. Our top-level parser isn't going to give up. It just means that
this particular bit of grammar didn't match. Depending on how we write our
code, other parser functions might be called instead. You can actually see
this in action if you look at how the alt
combinator works. It first calls a
parser function tag("false")
, and if that returns an error, it instead feeds
the same input into tag("true")
, to see if it might succeed instead.
This probably still looks kind of strange, because tag("false")
isn't a
complete parser function; it's a function that returns a parser function. See
how our code calls alt
and tag
(twice)? The return value from that code is
another function, and that function gets called with the argument (input)
Don't be scared off by the intimidating-looking parameters of the tag
function in the documentation— look at the
Despite the extra layer of indirection, it's still pretty easy to use.
Part 3. Returning structs. §
We don't want to just return the strings that we matched; we want to return some Rust structs that we can put into a tree form.
We could copy the previous function to add another simple JSON element:
fn json_null(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
That would work, but let's rewrite our two parser functions to return enums or structs instead.
use nom::combinator::map;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum JsonBool {
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct JsonNull {}
fn json_bool(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonBool> {
let parser = alt((
map(parser, |s| {
match s {
"false" => JsonBool::False,
"true" => JsonBool::True,
_ => unreachable!(),
fn json_null(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonNull> {
map(tag("null"), |_| JsonNull {})
fn test_bool() {
assert_eq!(json_bool("false"), Ok(("", JsonBool::False)));
assert_eq!(json_bool("true"), Ok(("", JsonBool::True)));
fn test_null() {
assert_eq!(json_null("null"), Ok(("", JsonNull {})));
First, notice that the parser functions' return value has changed. The first
part of the IResult
tuple is still the remainder, so it's still &str
. But
the second part now returns one of our new data structures.
To change the return value, we use nom
function. It allows us to apply a closure to convert the matched string into
something else: in the json_bool
case, one of the JsonBool
variants. You
will probably smell something funny about that code, though: we already matched
the "true"
and "false"
strings once in the parser generated by the tag
function, so why are we doing it again? Your instincts are right on— we should
probably back up and fix that, but let's wrap up this discussion first.
The json_null
function does almost exactly the same thing, though it doesn't
need a match
because it could only have matched one thing.
We need to derive PartialEq
and Debug
for our structs and enums so that the
will work. Our tests are now using the new data structures
and JsonNull
Part 4. Another way of doing the same thing. §
In nom
, there are often multiple ways of achieving the same goal. In our
case, map
is a little bit overkill for this use case. Let's instead use the
instead, which is specialized for the case where we only care that the child
parser succeeded.
We'll also refactor json_bool
so that we don't need to do extra work: we'll
apply our combinator a little earlier, before we lose track of which branch
we're on.
use nom::combinator::value;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum JsonBool {
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct JsonNull {}
fn json_bool(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonBool> {
value(JsonBool::False, tag("false")),
value(JsonBool::True, tag("true")),
fn json_null(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, JsonNull> {
value(JsonNull {}, tag("null"))
Hopefully this is pretty straightforward. The value
combinator returns its
first argument (e.g. JsonNull {}
), if the second argument succeeds
). That description is a bit of a lazy mental shortcut,
because value
doesn't do any parsing itself. Remember, it's a function that
consumes one parser function and returns another parser function. But because
makes things so easy, it's sometimes a lot easier to use the lazy way of
thinking when you're plugging combinators together like Lego bricks.
Note that I added Clone
to the data structures, because value
requires it.
I also added Copy
because these are trivially small structs & enums.
Part 5. Prepare to tree. §
Our final output should be some tree-like data structure, similar to
I'm partial to the word "node" to describe the parts of a tree, so let's start
pub enum Node {
Right away, I don't like where this is going. Here are all the things I'm unhappy with:
- The redundant naming. I have
, for a value that contains no additional data. - The null and bool types don't really seem like they need their own data structure name, outside of the tree node. If this were a complex value type that I might want to pass around on its own, sure. But for this simple case, I think this is a lot simpler:
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Node {
fn json_bool(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
value(Node::Bool(false), tag("false")),
value(Node::Bool(true), tag("true")),
fn json_null(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
value(Node::Null, tag("null"))
fn test_bool() {
assert_eq!(json_bool("false"), Ok(("", Node::Bool(false))));
assert_eq!(json_bool("true"), Ok(("", Node::Bool(true))));
fn test_null() {
assert_eq!(json_null("null"), Ok(("", Node::Null)));
We got rid of JsonNull and JsonBool entirely. For your parser you can choose any output structure that makes sense; different grammars have different properties, and they may not map easily onto Rust's prelude types.
Part 6. Parsing numbers is hard. §
The other remaining literal types in JSON are strings and numbers. Let's tackle numbers first. Referring to RFC8259, the grammar for a JSON number is:
number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
decimal-point = %x2E ; .
digit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9
e = %x65 / %x45 ; e E
exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT
frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT
int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )
minus = %x2D ; -
plus = %x2B ; +
zero = %x30 ; 0
That grammar can represent any integer or floating point value; it would be grammatically correct to have an integer a thousand digits long, or a floating point value with huge exponent. It's our decision how to handle these values.
JSON (like JavaScript) is a bit unusual in not distinguishing integers from floating-point values. To make this tutorial a little more widely useful, let's output integers and floats as separate types:
pub enum Node {
We'll need to do something when we encounter values that are grammatically correct (e.g. 1000 digits), that we can't handle. This is a common problem, since most grammars don't attempt to set limits on the size of numbers. Often there will be a limit set somewhere, but it's not part of the formal grammar. JSON doesn't set such limits, which can lead to compatibility problems between implementations.
It will be important in most parsers to set limits and make sure things fail gracefully. In Rust you're not likely to have problems with buffer overruns, but it might be possible to trigger a denial of service, or perhaps even a crash by triggering excessive recursion.
Let's start by making the parser functions we need, and we'll see where we need error handling.
Let's build a little helper function for the digit1-9
part, since nom
offers digit
, which includes 0-9
fn digit1to9(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
Unfortunately, it doesn't compile:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/lib.rs:21:5
21 | / one_of("123456789")
22 | | (input)
| |___________^ expected `&str`, found `char`
= note: expected enum `std::result::Result<(&str, &str), nom::internal::Err<(&str, nom::error::ErrorKind)>>`
found enum `std::result::Result<(&str, char), nom::internal::Err<_>>`
This is a pretty easy mistake to make— we tried to create a parser function
that returns a string slice, but it's returning char
instead, because, well,
that's how one_of
works. It's not a big problem for us; just fix the return
type to match:
fn digit1to9(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {
We can now build the next function, one that recognizes integers:
fn uint(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
Again, we use alt
to specify that an integer is either 0
, or a nonzero
digit, possibly followed by more additional digits.
The new combinator here is recognize
. Let's back up and look at the return
type of this hypothetical function:
fn nonzero_integer(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ____> {
Because we used pair
, the return type would be a 2-tuple. The first element
would be a char
(because that's what we returned from digit1to9
), and the
other element would be a &str
. So the blank above would be filled in like
fn nonzero_integer(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (char, &str)> {
In this context, not very helpful. What we'd like to say is, "match this bunch
of stuff, but just return the string slice that covers what we matched."
That's exactly what recognize
Because we're going to store integers in a different Node
variant, we should
also do one last call to map
. But that might make life difficult if we want
to re-use this code as part of a token that's representing a floating-point
So let's leave the uint
function alone; we'll use it as a building block of
another function.
Note also that we can't finish parsing an integer until we've consumed the optional leading "minus" symbol.
fn json_integer(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
The opt
function is another nom
combinator; it means "optional", and
unsurprisingly it will return an Option<T>
where T
in this case is &str
(because that's what tag("-")
will returns. But that return type is ignored;
will throw it away and just give us back the characters that were
consumed by the successful match.
Let's add one more step to our function: convert the resulting string into a
fn json_integer(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = recognize(
map(parser, |s| {
// FIXME: unwrap() may panic if the value is out of range
let n = s.parse::<i64>().unwrap();
Finally, we discover a point where we'll need some error handling.
returns a Result
, and will certainly return Err
if we try to parse
something too big.
I am going to leave proper error handling until the end, so for now I will just
the result. This means the parser will panic if we give it a huge
integer, so we definitely need to come back and fix this later.
For now we'll finish up this section with a few unit tests:
fn test_integer() {
assert_eq!(json_integer("42"), Ok(("", Node::Integer(42))));
assert_eq!(json_integer("-123"), Ok(("", Node::Integer(-123))));
assert_eq!(json_integer("0"), Ok(("", Node::Integer(0))));
assert_eq!(json_integer("01"), Ok(("1", Node::Integer(0))));
Note the fourth test case— this might not be what you expected. We know that
integers with a leading zero aren't allowed by this grammar— so why did the
call to json_integer
succeed? It has to do with the way nom
operates. Each
parser only consumes the part of the string it matches, and leaves the rest for
some other parser. So attempting to parse 01
results in a success, returning
a result Node::Integer(0)
along with a remainder string 1
does have ways for parsers to trigger a fatal error if they're unhappy
with the sequence of characters, but this grammar probably won't need them.
Part 7. Parsing numbers some more. §
Let's piece together the bits we need to parse floating point numbers.
fn frac(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
fn exp(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
fn json_float(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = recognize(
map(parser, |s| {
// FIXME: unwrap() may panic if the value is out of range
let n = s.parse::<f64>().unwrap();
The only new parts here are:
: just likedigit0
, except this matches one-or-more digits.nom::sequence::tuple
is a lot likepair
, but accepts an arbitrary number of other parsers. Each sub-parser must match in sequence, and the return value is a tuple of results.
I added some straightforward unit tests here, and they all pass. Despite that, I've made a significant mistake, but one that we won't notice until we start stitching the various parts together. Let's do that now.
When a parser executes, it obviously won't know which elements are arriving in
which order, so we need a parser function to handle everything we've built so
far. Thanks to the magic of nom
, this part is really easy.
fn json_literal(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
And now we discover that something is wrong:
fn test_literal() {
assert_eq!(json_literal("56"), Ok(("", Node::Integer(56))));
assert_eq!(json_literal("78.0"), Ok(("", Node::Float(78.0))));
test test_literal ... FAILED
---- test_literal stdout ----
thread 'test_literal' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
left: `Ok((".0", Integer(78)))`,
right: `Ok(("", Float(78.0)))`', src/lib.rs:163:5
Because we put json_integer
first, it grabbed the 78
part and declared
success, leaving .0
for someone else to deal with. Not so big a deal,
right? Let's just swap the order of the parsers:
fn json_literal(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
test test_literal ... FAILED
---- test_literal stdout ----
thread 'test_literal' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
left: `Ok(("", Float(56.0)))`,
right: `Ok(("", Integer(56)))`', src/lib.rs:162:5
We've traded one problem for another. This time, json_float
runs first,
consumes the input 56
input and declares success, returning Float(56.0)
This isn't wrong, exactly. Had we decided at the beginning to treat all
numbers as floating-point (as JavaScript does) this would be the expected
outcome. But since we committed to storing integers and floats as separate
tree nodes, we have a problem.
Since we can't allow either the json_float
parser or the json_integer
parser to run first (at least as currently written), let's imagine what we'd
like to see happen. Ideally, we would start parsing the [ minus ] int
of the grammar, and if that succeeds we have a possible integer-or-float
match. We should then continue on, trying to match the [ frac ] [ exp ]
part, and if either of those succeeds, we have a float.
There are a few different ways to implement that logic.
One way would be to get json_float
to fail if the next character after the
integer part is not a .
or e
character— without that it can't possibly be
a valid float (according to our grammar), so if json_float
fails at that
point we know the json_integer
parser will run next (and succeed).
fn json_float(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = recognize(
map(parser, |s| {
let n = s.parse::<f64>().unwrap();
This code has one small annoyance, though it's not a problem in the overall
JSON context. Imagine that we took this json_float
parser code, and tried to
reuse it in another language, where this other language's grammar would allow
the input 123.size()
. This code would peek
ahead and see the .
character, and because of that it would parse 123
as a float rather than an
integer. In other words, this json_float
implementation decides that this
input is a float before it's actually finished parsing all the characters
making up that float.
There is a slightly better way, though. Remember, our original problem is that
will succeed in all of the following cases:
What we'd rather have is a parser that succeeds at the last three, but not the first. There isn't a combinator innom
that implements "A or B or AB", but it's not that hard to implement ourselves:
fn json_float(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = recognize(
map(parser, |s| {
let n = s.parse::<f64>().unwrap();
This new logic uses alt
to allow two choices: either a frac
must be present
(with an optional exp
) following, or an exp
must be present by itself. An
input with neither a valid frac
or exp
will now fail, which makes
everything work the way we want it to.
Part 8. Handling string literals §
So far we support literal null, boolean, integer, and float types. There's only one more literal type left to handle: strings.
In the JSON grammar, a string is basically a series of Unicode characters that starts and ends with a quote, plus a few extra rules:
- Certain characters must be escaped (ASCII control characters, quotes, and backslashes)
- Any character may be escaped, using
plus 4 hexadecimal digits, e.g.\uF903
. - A small number of common characters have two-character escapes:
That's how RFC 8259 does things, anyway. Different implementations may have subtle differences.
This means there are many possible ways to represent a certain string. We're only building a parser, so we just need to make sure we can parse all the valid JSON representations (and hopefully return an error on all the invalid ones).
The presence of escape characters makes our job more difficult. There are
different ways we might choose to address this. I'm going to choose to break
escape handling into a separate phase. This means we will only use nom
to do
the lexing part (finding the bounds of the string literal), and we'll follow up
with an "un-escaping" pass to decode the escaped characters.
Bad inputs must be rejected by one of the two phases, but we don't care which
one. For example, "\ud800"
looks like a valid JSON string, but can't be
decoded because U+D800 is a magic "surrogate" character, meaning it's half of a
character that needs more than 16 bits to encode. We should also reject things
like "\x"
(a nonexistent escape), "\u001"
(not enough hex digits), and
(which is unterminated because the trailing quote is escaped). We also
need to reject "naked" (non-escaped) control characters (ASCII 0x00-0x1F),
though for some reason 0x7F (ASCII DELETE) is legal.
Let's begin by building a parser for "a string of valid non-escaped
characters": everything except control characters, backslash, and quote. We
don't need to check the upper limit 0x10FFFF because those characters will
never appear in a Rust char
use nom::bytes::complete::take_while1;
fn is_nonescaped_string_char(c: char) -> bool {
let cv = c as u32;
(cv >= 0x20) && (cv != 0x22) && (cv != 0x5C)
// One or more unescaped text characters
fn nonescaped_string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
The take_while1
function comes from the nom bytes
module (which, remember,
isn't specific to byte sequences). nom
offers a few different take
functions in this module; take_while1
consumes characters that match some
condition, requiring at least 1 matching character.
Next, let's add a parser that can detect one escape sequence. Actually, we're
going to be even lazier than that; we'll pretend that \u
is an escape
sequence all by itself, and let the unescape function determine whether the
characters that follow make sense. We could easily do it differently, but
since the unescape code will need to look at those characters in detail later,
we won't waste time doing that work twice.
fn escape_code(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
Using those two pieces, we can now connect them together to parse the entire body of a JSON string (minus the quotes that surround it):
use nom::multi::many0;
fn string_body(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
We've seen most of the pieces here before.
tries to apply a parser function repeatedly, gathering all of the
results into a vector. This version gathers "zero or more" of whatever we were
searching for (which is desirable because ""
is a valid JSON string). There
is also a many1
, (if you want "one or more") and several other variations.
The final recognize
throws away the output of many0
(a vector), and instead
just returns to us the string that was matched. It's a little unfortunate that
we're throwing away the information we developed about where escapes appear—
perhaps another implementation could do the unescaping work right here. It
seems pretty typical (in my limited experience) to have to make tradeoffs like
this. We're breaking the work into multiple phases, which may require a little
bit of redundant effort, but our code gets a little simpler as a result.
There's one subtle thing about these two layers that should be pointed out.
Both nonescaped_string
and escape_code
are parsers that return "one or more
characters". And then we use those to build a parser that returns "zero or
more characters". In fact, you can't build a "zero or more" parser using other
"zero or more" components, because that could trigger an infinite loop: the
outer parser could try to gather an infinite number of empty subparser
successes. Typically nom
combinators will return an error instead of going
into an infinite loop.
The next step is pretty simple: the string body must be wrapped in quotes.
use nom::sequence::delimited;
fn json_string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
This is the first time we've used delimited
. It runs three sub-parsers,
returning the result of the middle one. The result from the first and third
arguments (the quote characters) are discarded.
At this point I should plug in some code to do un-escaping. Because this code
doesn't use nom
and doesn't really help us understand how to write a nom
parser, I'm going to skip the explanation and just pull the
escape8259 crate that does this
part. A call to un-escape a string is pretty simple:
pub fn unescape(s: &str) -> Result<String, UnescapeError>
So all we need to do is plug that into json_string
. We earlier used nom
combinator to do this sort of thing, but here we need something a little
different because unescape
may fail. We need to use map_res
to handle
use nom::combinator::map_res;
use escape8259::unescape;
fn string_literal(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
let parser = delimited(
map_res(parser, |s| {
We also need to update our Node
enum to include a string variant (we'll call
this Str
), and make that our final output.
pub enum Node {
fn json_string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
map(string_literal, |s| {
Finally, we should write some tests to make sure this is working correctly.
fn test_string() {
// Plain Unicode strings with no escaping
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""Hello""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("Hello".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""の""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("の".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""𝄞""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("𝄞".into()))));
// valid 2-character escapes
assert_eq!(json_string(r#"" \\ ""#), Ok(("", Node::Str(" \\ ".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#"" \" ""#), Ok(("", Node::Str(" \" ".into()))));
// valid 6-character escapes
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""\u0000""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("\x00".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""\u00DF""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("ß".into()))));
assert_eq!(json_string(r#""\uD834\uDD1E""#), Ok(("", Node::Str("𝄞".into()))));
// Invalid because surrogate characters must come in pairs
// Unknown 2-character escape
// Not enough hex digits
// Naked control character
// Not a JSON string because it's not wrapped in quotes
Part 9. Arrays and Objects §
Finally, all of the hard parts are complete, and we get to the fun parts: arrays and objects (maps or dictionaries in other languages).
Let's start with the changes to our Node
enum, to give us a little better
idea how these recursive data structures should work.
pub enum Node {
Object(Vec<(String, Node)>),
Since Node
now includes types other than literal values, let's rename
to json_value
fn json_value(input: &str) -> -> IResult<&str, Node> {
An array can be heterogeneous (different value types, e.g. [1, "foo", true]
Each object member must have a string for its key, and may have any value
type. An object might be {"a": 1, "b": false}
. Arrays and objects can be
nested arbitrarily.
Let's implement arrays first.
use nom::multi::separated_list0;
fn json_array(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = delimited(
separated_list0(tag(","), json_value),
map(parser, |v| {
That was surprisingly easy. The only new thing we needed was separated_list0
which alternates between two subparsers. The first argument is the
"separator", and its result is thrown away; we get a vector of results from the
second parser. It will match zero or more elements; nom
has a
if you want one-or-more.
Objects are up next; they're a little more complicated so let's implement them as two separate functions.
use nom::sequence::separated_pair;
fn object_member(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (String, Node)> {
separated_pair(string_literal, tag(":"), json_value)
fn json_object(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = delimited(
map(parser, |v| {
This looks a lot like the array implementation. The only difference (other
than the braces) is that where an array looks for a single value, the object
looks for a quoted string literal, then a :
character, and then a value.
And we have a JSON parser!
Part 10. Spacing out §
Well, we almost have a JSON parser. We might start testing arrays like this:
fn test_array() {
assert_eq!(json_array("[]"), Ok(("", Node::Array(vec![]))));
assert_eq!(json_array("[1]"), Ok(("", Node::Array(vec![Node::Integer(1)]))));
let expected = Node::Array(vec![Node::Integer(1), Node::Integer(2)]);
assert_eq!(json_array("[1,2]"), Ok(("", expected)));
But it doesn't work if we write:
assert_eq!(json_array("[1, 2]"), Ok(("", expected)));
The only difference is the space character after the comma. We forgot to handle whitespace.
In fact, we haven't handled whitespace anywhere. Whitespace could appear anywhere: before or after values or any punctuation (braces, brackets, comma, or colon).
To ignore whitespace, we need a parser function that matches whitespace. We
could easily build one, but nom
includes one that matches our needs exactly:
That means we need to do a bunch of substitutions, things like:
need to become
delimited(multispace0, tag("["), multispace0)
Which adds a lot of clutter, and is kind of hard to read. Maybe instead we
should write a combinator of our own to make this a little more compact. This
isn't absolutely necessary— the cluttered version is perfectly functional. The
only reason I'm going to tackle this is it provides a little bit of insight
into the pile of generic parameters you see if you look at the documentation
for nom
combinators. If you don't care, feel free to skip this section.
First, let's write a combinator that does nothing, other than apply a parser we specify.
fn identity<F, I, O, E>(f: F) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>
F: FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>,
That looks pretty intimidating. But so do most of the built-in nom
combinators, so if we can understand this combinator function, we'll have a
little easier time understanding other parts of nom
Let's see if we can make some sense of all those generic parameters.
is the type of the parser we pass in. It could be any nom
-style parser,
and we already know what those look like; they accept one input parameter, and
return an IResult
. This IResult
has three generic parameters, and we've
always used two— the third has a default value, and we've been omitting it.
So our F
is a function that accepts one I
and returns IResult<I, O, E>
is our input parameter (which has been &str
so far everywhere). O
our output type (and we've used a bunch of different ones; &str
, Node
etc.) The E
is the parser error type, and we can continue ignoring that for
now since we've only used the default.
Our combinator returns a closure. So its return type is
FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>
. That looks the same as F
, but for all cases
other than identity
we'll return a different closure than the input, so we
will need to spell out the return type.
A lot of nom
combinators have even more complex type signatures
has 8 generic parameters!) but picking them apart is usually
pretty straightforward if you're patient. You'll probably only need to know
when something fails to compile.
Anyway, let's write a combinator that wraps its input in a delimited
on both sides.
fn spacey<F, I, O, E>(f: F) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>
F: FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>,
delimited(multispace0, f, multispace0)
This explodes with a huge pile of errors; many complaints about trait bounds
that aren't met for I
and E
. But it turns out that this is just because
requires those on its I
and E
, so we have to guarantee those
trait bounds as well. Copying those trait bounds over to our function will
fn spacey<F, I, O, E>(f: F) -> impl FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>
F: FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E>,
I: nom::InputTakeAtPosition,
<I as nom::InputTakeAtPosition>::Item: nom::AsChar + Clone,
E: nom::error::ParseError<I>,
delimited(multispace0, f, multispace0)
Was that worth it? Maybe not for this program. But it's interesting to see
what's involved in building our own combinators. Maybe the nom
documentation will look a little less scary, too.
Now that we have a useful multispace-handling combinator, we can sprinkle it around all the places where we need to ignore whitespace. For example:
fn json_array(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
let parser = delimited(
separated_list0(spacey(tag(",")), json_value),
map(parser, |v| {
Part 11. Error handling. §
We skipped over a few places where proper error handling is needed. For
example, numbers that are out of bounds (e.g. 1e99999
) should return some
kind of parse error.
Currently we are using the IResult
default error type, which is
nom::internal::Err<(&str, nom::error::ErrorKind)>
. That doesn't look
promising— we can't realistically expect to be able to extend that type with
our own error variants.
So let's build our own error type. We'll use macros from the
crate to automatically
generate some of the boilerplate that's necessary for error types.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum JSONParseError {
#[error("bad integer")]
#[error("bad float")]
#[error("bad escape sequence")]
#[error("unknown parser error")]
Because nom
error handling uses generic parameters, it can be difficult to
see how to best implement a custom error type. There is a good minimal example
of custom error types in the nom 7.0 sources
that shows the steps needed to make things work gracefully:
- Figure out how to map a
error into your error type. Usually this will be with a dedicated enum variant. - Implement the trait
for your error type. This will allow all of thenom
combinators to generate your custom error type when needed. - Use the 3-argument form of
, specifying your error type. You will probably want to do this on most or all of your parser functions so combinators work gracefully.
When building a custom error type that will be generated by nom parsers,
consider how far you want to propagate the error metadata (ErrorKind
input slice). If the error type is only visible internal to a crate, it can
be useful to preserve all the nom metadata (the input
and kind
to ParseError::from_error_kind
) for debugging. In a public error struct, it
may be wiser to discard that information, as a user of your crate probably
doesn't care about nom
error metadata. I will assume JSONParseError
public, so I will discard the nom
error parameters.
use nom::error::{ErrorKind, ParseError};
impl<I> ParseError<I> for JSONParseError {
fn from_error_kind(_input: I, _kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
fn append(_: I, _: ErrorKind, other: Self) -> Self {
For error handling on integers, we'll split the function into two parts to make it easier to read:
fn integer_body(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str, JSONParseError> {
fn json_integer(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node, JSONParseError> {
let (remain, raw_int) = integer_body(input)?;
match raw_int.parse::<i64>() {
Ok(i) => Ok((remain, Node::Integer(i))),
Err(_) => Err(nom::Err::Failure(JSONParseError::BadInt)),
Note that json_integer
works differently from all the other parsers we've
written so far: instead of composing parsers using combinators, we actually run
the integer_body
parser and capture its result (the remainder and the matched
string slice). We then attempt to parse the string slice into an integer, and
hand-assemble an IResult
by hand.
This can be a useful technique when the nom
combinators don't supply exactly
what you need. Here, I first tried using map_res
to parse the int, but it
turns out that map_res
always throws away the error value returned by the
closure, and substitutes its own error (with kind MapRes
The same approach works for string escaping errors and float parsing errors,
though float overflow in Rust results in infinity, not an error. This means we
will never actually return BadFloat
because there are no
grammatically-correct floats that can't be parsed into an f64
(Though Rust versions older than 1.55 had some problems parsing
certain edge cases.)
Part 12. Finalization. §
There's one more nom
-specific step that we probably want. Assuming our code
is a library, meant to be used by other programs, we don't want nom::IResult
to show up as our public result type. We should instead return
Result<Node, JSONParseError>
We can use all_consuming
to ensure that all input was matched. Unfortunately,
there doesn't seem to be a simple nom
shortcut for translating the error. We
can do this ourselves:
use nom::combinator::all_consuming;
pub fn parse_json(input: &str) -> Result<Node, JSONParseError> {
let (_, result) = all_consuming(json_value)(input).map_err(|nom_err| {
match nom_err {
nom::Err::Incomplete(_) => unreachable!(),
nom::Err::Error(e) => e,
nom::Err::Failure(e) => e,
We haven't talked yet about the three
is only used bynom
streaming parsers. We don't use those, so we can just mark that branchunreachable!
(which would panic).Error
is what we usually see when a parser has a problem. Something didn't match the expected grammar.Failure
appears less often. It means that the input could only be parsed one way, but a parser decided that it was invalid. UnlikeError
, this error is propagated upward without trying any alternative paths (if something likealt
is present).
Our code does use Failure
in a few places: that's what we return when there
is a numeric conversion error or a bad escape code. If we use Error
the parsers could return the wrong error type. The reason is that the nom
parser would keep trying other parsers, and if all of them fail, there's
no way for alt
to know which error is the right one— it usually just returns
the last error.
Thanks for reading! §
This ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned, and along the way I discovered several things that I'd been doing wrong in my own parsers. There are probably a few things that I've still missed; if you notice something, feel free to open an issue at this page's GitHub repo.